- 可授科目:
- 小学英语小学语文初一初二英语初三英语初一初二语文
- 授课区域:
- 徐汇(康健,梅陇,外环线) 闵行(朱行,静安新城,吴泾,莘庄,华漕镇,诸瞿,华漕,七宝,龙柏,古美,梅陇,纪王,虹桥) 长宁(虹桥,程家桥,周家桥)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 闵行或者徐汇或者上海动物园周边,或者1号线沿路半小时内车程最佳。
- 薪水要求:
- 辅导方式:
- 本人上门,学生上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- Miss. Wu has more than 8 years’teaching
experience as a Chinese teacher. Both China Hanban and British Council invited her to be the interviewer of Hanban Chinese volunteers interview. She is not only professional, but also full of passion. She earned her (MTCSOL) Master Degree courses of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language in SISU(Shanghai International Studies University). China Hanban and British Council sent her to teach Chinese in United Kingdom(Bishop Hedley Catholic High School). In 2016, she came back to Shanghai and happy to serve in Shanghai International Singapore School. Now as a IGCSE and IB Abinitio Mandarin Teacher for foreign students, she is passionate about all students fulfilling their potential and strive to provide them a living example of a life-long learner.
- 中文IG/IB第一语言考试毕业班带班老师8年
小托福/Wonders/雅思托福/IG英语老师13年 Miss. Wu has more than 10 years’teaching
experience as a Chinese teacher. Both China Hanban and British Council invited her to be the interviewer of Hanban Chinese volunteers interview. She is not only professional, but also full of passion. She earned her (MTCSOL) Master Degree courses of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language in SISU(Shanghai International Studies University). China Hanban and British Council sent her to teach Chinese in United Kingdom(Bishop Hedley Catholic High School). In 2016, she came back to Shanghai and happy to serve in Shanghai International Singapore School. Now as a IGCSE and IB Abinitio Mandarin Teacher for foreign students, she is passionate about all students fulfilling their potential and strive to provide them a living example of a life-long learner.