- 可授科目:
- 小学英语初一初二英语初三英语高一高二英语高三英语英语口语新概念英语牛津英语雅思商务英语托福对外汉语sbs英语SAT
- 授课区域:
- 杨浦(五角场,翔殷路,大柏树) 虹口(曲阳,提篮桥,四平路) 浦东(世纪公园,洋泾,罗山,陆家嘴,花木,金杨) 黄浦(南京路,人民广场,外滩)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 可上门或线上教学(所有地区)。
- 薪水要求:
- 辅导方式:
- 本人上门,学生上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- 伦敦大学(UCL)研究生,11年海外留学经历,雅思最高8.5(多次8.0及以上),具有多年英语教学经验,曾于海外支教。上课风趣幽默,亲切和蔼,条理清晰,认真负责,发音地道,会给学生的课程进行一系列规划安排,保证高效输入输出。擅长雅思口语教学(native speaker),发音&听力&阅读&写作的教学,及各类英语课程!爱好摄影剪辑,3年海外记者及广播员工作经历。精通多门语言,丰富的海外留学经验,可提供留学咨询规划服务。自带助教及团队,提供细致完善的教学服务。课程会根据学员情况及要求量身定制,并由助教全面追踪学习进度。免费试听课程,课时费可商议。
The experiences of researching, writing articles/reviews and good knowledge of Adobesoftware have increased my confidence in applications.
Work Experience
2018.01 Hooli home Marketing intern
-Video graph students’ accommodation
-Use adobe premiere pro to edit the videos
-Write articles about the cities and the accommodations that we promote
-Attend different events
2017. 09 Spectrum Radio Station (Current)
-Writing blogs for Chinese youth radio
-Pitching ideas and writing interview scripts
-Studio work (e.g. go live)
-Editing videos using adobe premiere pro & audition
2017.10 Sabat Magazine
-Freelance column writing about witchcrafts in Asia
2017. 08 Shanghai Students’ Post
-Pitching ideas for the front page and write them, recent one was about independence of teenagers;
-Writing my own column about studying abroad (6 series, under publishing process)
-Finding ideas for the entertainment page
2017.07 Himalaya FM
-Analysing the audience of each radio station online
-Classifying the stations and the audience
-Choosing the potential radio stations for long term contracts
2017. 06 ARUP Engineering and Architecture Consulting Company Shanghai
-Filing up the clients’ information
-Updating media contacts, (637 journalists)
-Calculating and drawing the floor plan
-Organising events, such as the last team building event in July
2016. 07 Feekr Editor
-Writing travelling diaries or special columns about Shanghai
2015.08 Shanghai I- Daily Newspaper
-Sub-editing for the Friday special editions
-Writing the plan book
-Assisting the Editing and Advertising manager
-Publishing and Distributing at the tube station
Other Experiences
2013.09 English tutoring
2016.06 Bahrain National Insurance Company
2015.03 JLT Premier Pension Company
-Updating the website and customer database
-Introducing varieties of products to customers
2013. 12 Fundraising event
-Raised £2675 for presents for children in South Africa during Christmas
2012.09 Volunteer at British Red Cross Charity Company for three years
-Making inventory and distributing them to different countries
Professional Skills
-Language: Native Mandarin, Cantonese and English, advanced Korean, basic Spanish
-IT: Familiar with Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop and Excel, etc.
-Adobe softwares
Extra-curricular activities
-2016-2017 SSLC student representative (present)
-2014-2015 School Prefect at Concord College
Education and Qualifications
2016-2018 Journalism BA (Hons) City University of London
-First year Modules include Writing and reportage, Audio and video Journalism, History of Journalism, Spanish and Media law
2015-2016 INTO Foundation Course
-Achieved 75% which is a distinction
-Unconditional offer to City University of London
2012-2014 GCSE Concord College
-Achieved straight A (9 subjects) with 6 A*