- 可授科目:
- 小学英语英语口语幼教新概念英语商务英语陪玩陪读sbs英语俄语
- 授课区域:
- 徐汇(龙华,内环以内) 闵行(吴泾,纪王,华漕镇,古美,朱行,虹桥) 长宁(虹桥,内环以内,北新泾) 普陀(宜川,梅川,真北新村,普陀新村,真如,苏州河以内,真南新村,上海万里城,长征,长寿路,曹杨) 静安(静安,南京西路,北京西路,上海电视台,静安寺,曹家渡,江宁路) 卢湾(淮海路,打浦桥,复兴路,五里桥) 杨浦(周家嘴路以南,新江湾城,市光,翔殷路,国和) 虹口(四平路,曲阳,内环以内,内环以外) 闸北(大宁,永和,闸北公园,彭浦新村) 浦东(陆家嘴,花木,金杨,临沂,杨思,世纪公园,罗山,南码头,三林,张江) 宝山(大华,通河,淞南,淞宝地区,共康,吴淞)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 主要在普陀区,长宁区,静安区可以授课。
- 薪水要求:
- 辅导方式:
- 学生上门,本人上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- Hello.I am Nigora and I am 23 years old.Nowaday I live in Shanghai.I study at ECNU.I am doing master of International Relations.I we’re grown up with foreigners since my childhood.I did IELTS and have some certificates of English language.I had worked in NGO’s and at American Quality International school.Therefore I have recommendation letter from the school.I am very interested on tutoring especially with kids.I have practice and had worked as private teacher of english language.I am sure I can easily encourage the kids to work hard and just look forward on learning language.
- I did IELTS and have some certificates of English language.I had worked in NGO’s and at American Quality International school.Therefore I have recommendation letter from the school.I am very interested on tutoring especially with kids.I have practice and had worked as private teacher of english language.I am sure I can easily encourage the kids to work hard and just look forward on learning language.