- 可授科目:
- 小学英语初一初二英语初三英语高一高二英语高三英语英语口语新概念英语牛津英语雅思商务英语托福对外汉语sbs英语SAT
- 授课区域:
- 徐汇(内环以内,外环华泾附近,漕河泾,康健,宛南,梅陇,植物园,华泾镇,外环线,田林,龙华,漕溪新村,长桥) 闵行(塘湾,古美,虹桥,颛桥,马桥,马桥镇,梅陇,纪王,华漕镇,北桥,航华,七宝,吴泾,上虹,静安新城,江川路街道,江川,浦江,华漕,朱行,诸瞿,曹行,老闵行,莘庄,龙柏) 长宁(程家桥,内环以内,天山,虹桥,新泾,周家桥,仙霞,北新泾) 普陀(长风,长征,长寿路,真光)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 薪水要求:
- 辅导方式:
- 本人上门,学生上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- 海外全奖研究生瑞典和英国翻译。. 本人带过10年英语教学,经验丰富,能针对不同学生不同教学方法,有效提高学生成绩,从班级12名提升到第一名,高三英语从80分提高到120多分。带过雅思托福,初高中英语,国际学校全科,IGCSE, 博士生口语,星级英语,新概念等,同时更强项于全英文教材等教学。I have been working as a tutor more than ten years. Contributed to individual students who have different characteristics and various learning situations. Devoted to individualized teaching and education. Apart from that, I am a proactive teacher with innovation. Succeed in improving students achievement from top 12 to top 1, top 20 to top 7 and high school student had enhanced 30 scores in the final exams. Having class on IELTS, TOEFL, IGCSE, Middle/High school and university English teaching. Please feel free to contact with me, I would be very much looking forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you very much indeed!
- 海外全奖研究生瑞典和英国翻译。. 本人带过10年英语教学,经验丰富,能针对不同学生不同教学方法,有效提高学生成绩,从班级12名提升到第一名,高三英语从80分提高到120多分。带过雅思托福,初高中英语,国际学校全科,IGCSE, 博士生口语,星级英语,新概念等,同时更强项于全英文教材等教学。I have been working as a tutor more than ten years. Contributed to individual students who have different characteristics and various learning situations. Devoted to individualized teaching and education. Apart from that, I am a proactive teacher with innovation. Succeed in improving students achievement from top 12 to top 1, top 20 to top 7 and high school student had enhanced 30 scores in the final exams. Having class on IELTS, TOEFL, IGCSE, Middle/High school and university English teaching. Please feel free to contact with me, I would be very much looking forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you very much indeed!
订单号 | 年级科目 | 状态 | 接单日期 |
166898 | 初三英语 | 成功 | 2024-11-12 |
166798 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2024-11-09 |
166607 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2024-11-05 |
166495 | 初三英语 | 成功 | 2024-11-03 |
166150 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2024-10-25 |
115367 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2020-09-07 |
112882 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2020-07-05 |
112796 | 托福 | 成功 | 2020-07-03 |
112256 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2020-06-20 |
109586 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2020-02-10 |
108359 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2019-12-20 |
108335 | 初一初二英语 | 成功 | 2019-12-20 |
107676 | 初一初二英语 | 成功 | 2019-12-01 |
107530 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2019-11-27 |
107137 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2019-11-19 |
106934 | 初一初二英语 | 成功 | 2019-11-14 |
106930 | 商务英语 | 成功 | 2019-11-14 |
106887 | 小学英语英语新概念 | 成功 | 2019-11-13 |
106870 | 初一初二英语 | 成功 | 2019-11-13 |
106272 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2019-10-29 |
102390 | 小学英语 | 成功 | 2019-07-25 |
101699 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2019-07-04 |
101674 | 雅思 | 成功 | 2019-07-04 |