- 可授科目:
- 小学英语小学语文家庭教育
- 授课区域:
- 徐汇(田林,康健,宛南,内环以内,漕河泾,龙华) 闵行(古美,静安新城) 长宁(内环以内)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 地铁4号线周边均可 all around line 4 of subway are acceptable.
- 薪水要求:
- 执行家教114薪水标准 查看家教114薪水标准
- 辅导方式:
- 本人上门,学生上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- 可以进行纯英教学,能让学生更快寻找并掌握自己的学习窍门。
Teaching in pure English are accepted, I can help students to find and control their leaning ability and technique.
Teaching Idea: Teach them how to learn rather than what to learn. Let them know how to Fishing is better than give them fish.
- 2019年5月在未来学院担任半年老师,课程涉及英语、物理以及数学。面对学生年龄均为小学生。
Teaching Physics and Math in English about half year in 2019 in Dee.Future, students are all primary school students.
I teach my cousin in all subjects when I back from my University in Foreign country, her achievement significantly improved.