- 可授科目:
- 小学数学小学英语上海话小学语文初一初二英语初三英语初一初二语文英语口语幼教新概念英语小学奥数陪玩陪读小学陪读
- 授课区域:
- 徐汇(内环以内,漕河泾,梅陇,宛南,长桥,华泾镇,田林,康健,漕溪新村,龙华,植物园) 普陀(普陀新村,武宁新村,曹杨,长寿路,桃浦,上海万里城,真如) 静安(新闸路,南京西路,静安,静安寺,曹家渡) 卢湾(淮海路,建国路,打浦桥,复兴路) 杨浦(周家嘴路以南,大柏树,五角场) 闸北(大宁路,内环以内,闸北公园,永和,大宁,彭浦新村) 黄浦(人民广场)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 薪水要求:
- 辅导方式:
- 本人上门,网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- 初中在苏州外国语学校(私立)就读,曾两次获得希望之星英语风采演讲二等奖以及蒲公英作文大赛一等奖。初中毕业后前往澳大利亚墨尔本的私立高中(The Peninsula Grammar),积极参与活动,不断自我提升,有幸得到墨尔本大学奖学金(Lee Dow Kwong Scholarship)。后参加当地高考,以全澳洲前10%的优异成绩成功考入世界前30大学悉尼大学,主修金融统计,副修数学,在校平均分为distinction的成绩。曾在墨尔本补习机构当过助教,有着丰富教学经验,对待学生耐心友善,特殊教学方式让学生更快更好吸收内容。 I used to study in Suzhou Foreign Language School for junior high school. I had won the second-class prize of The Star Of Hope English Style Speech twice and also won the first-class award in The PuGongYing composition competition. After graduated from junior high school, I went to a private high school (The Peninsula Grammar) in Melbourne, Australia. I took an active part in different activities and constantly improve myself. I was honored to win the scholarship of The University Of Melbourne (Lee Dow Kwong Scholarship). After that, I participated in the local college entrance examination (VCE) and was successfully admitted to The University Of Sydney (which ranks top 30 in the world) with an excellent score of top 10% in Australia. I majored in financial economics and minored in Mathematics with an average score of distinction at school. I used to work as a teaching assistant in a tutoring institution in Melbourne with rich teaching experiences