- 可授科目:
- 小学数学小学英语小学语文初一初二英语初一初二数学初三英语高一高二英语高三英语初三数学初一初二语文初三语文新概念英语
- 授课区域:
- 杨浦(五角场,翔殷路,新江湾城,大柏树) 虹口(曲阳)
- 可授课区域描述:
- 薪水要求:
- 执行家教114薪水标准 查看家教114薪水标准
- 辅导方式:
- 网上辅导
- 自我评价:
- 主要辅导初高中学生的英语,熟悉知识点,掌握各个不同模块知识的做题方法,对考点有一定的把握。本人喜欢并且擅长学习语言,有自己的学习方法,同时本科学习到了很多语言学知识和技巧(例如,能通过解释发音部位和发音方法,对英语口语发音存在问题的学生进行针对性提高),希望能够分享给正在头疼语言学习的人。性格活泼开朗,擅长与他人沟通交谈,善于引导学生,帮助其养成良好的学习习惯和方法,能够自主学习,举一反三,做事耐心认真。(高考英语145分,雅思阅读8分,日语JLPT N2 180分)
- 1、English tutor for two high school students Jun. 2019 - Aug. 2019 Introduced phonetic symbols, including their place and manner of articulation; strengthened their grammar by guiding them to analyze the structure of complex sentences; helped to improve their pronunciation and the speed of reading and memorizing new words 2、After-school volunteer tutor for children from families currently in programs that provide help with alcoholism and drug addiction in Hongkou District, Shanghai Mar. 2019 - Jun. 2019 Taught them English and Chinese; helped them with their problems of homework and other school subjects; cared for their mental health by chatting and playing games with them